cover image: We’re fighting division and defunding to build on the promise and potential of public schools


We’re fighting division and defunding to build on the promise and potential of public schools

31 May 2023

The vide our students, and on the trust and connection that are so educators who were hurt all cited lack of staff in the schools and important. [...] Ninety-four percent of young people Experiential learning embeds who concentrate in CTE graduate from high school, and 72 per-cent of them go on to college.24 the things that make kids want Talk to any employer about the skills and knowledge they look for in a successful employee, be it a plumber, a nurse, or a to be in school: the excitement of lawyer, and you’re bound to hear similarities—employ. [...] that gives high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn The potential for all of this is in our grasp, but we all need to credits and get a head start on pursuing a degree in education. [...] But it boils down to treat- ing educators like the professionals they are, with appropriate pay and time to prepare for classes, the chance to collaborate with colleagues, the opportunity to participate in meaningful profes- sional development, and the authority to make day-to-day class- room decisions. [...] These pieces of the puzzle are often what • Jessica Tang is the president of the Boston Teachers Union and set community schools apart as an effective whole-school a vice president of the AFT and the Massachusetts AFL-CIO.
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United States of America