cover image: PERI REPORT - Employment Creation through Green Locomotive Manufacturing at Wabtec’s


PERI REPORT - Employment Creation through Green Locomotive Manufacturing at Wabtec’s

23 Apr 2023

This will be true both through the increase in the number of job opportunities relative to the 126,000 people that currently comprise the area’s labor market, and through the relatively high compensa- tion levels associated with jobs at the Lawrence Park facility itself. [...] Our estimate of the potential for job creation at the facility will follow from our figures on: 1) job creation per $1 million in spending on locomotive manufacturing; and 2) the capacity for expanding manufacturing at the plant. [...] This will be true both in terms of the increase in the number of job opportunities available in the area and especially in terms of the compensation levels associated with jobs at the facility itself. [...] As the table shows, the range of job creation falls as follows: ¡ At Lawrence Park: from a range of 3,400 – 5,100 jobs per year in 2023 to 2,845 – 4,267 in 2032; ¡ In Erie County outside of Lawrence Park: from a range of 3,060 – 5,100 jobs per year in 2023 to 2,560 – 4,267 in 2032; and ¡ Throughout the U. [...] In the words of the late Professor Robert Heilbroner, we at PERI “strive to make a workable science out of morality.” Established in 1998, PERI is an independent unit of the University of Massachusetts, Am- herst, with close ties to the Department of Economics.
Published in
United States of America

