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Health Benefits of Just Energy Transition and Coal Phase-out in Indonesia

18 Jul 2023

The health benefits and cost-effectiveness of the coal phase-out are maximised by prioritising the plants with the highest health impacts in the order of retirement. [...] 10 MW Health benefits of Just Energy Transition and coal phase-out in Indonesia At the same G20 Summit event, the United States, European Union, Canada, Japan, and the UK announced the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with Indonesia to financially support the country in its climate targets and energy transition, and to keep in line with the 1.5 degrees target. [...] Nexus3 Foundation highlights the urgent need to control air pollution, citing the 2019 Citizen Lawsuit submitted by 32 citizens which is addressed to President Joko Widodo, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Minister of Health, and Minister of Internal Affairs, as well as the Governor of West Java and the Governor of Banten. [...] The predictors used in the model were plant capacity, commissioning year, and in the case of flue gas temperature, the presence of an SO2 scrubber, which lowers the temperature. [...] 39 Health benefits of Just Energy Transition and coal phase-out in Indonesia Compared to the more significant impacts that would result from delayed coal phase-out in the PERPRES 112/2022 scenario, the avoided deaths and costs between the 1.5 degrees scenario and the 1.5 degrees scenario with APC installation are relatively small.
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