cover image: Level Measures


Level Measures

19 Jun 2023

The state of public service delivery The complex nature of delivery, and the expansive organisational structure of councils, make instilling and maintaining a public service ethos the foundational tenet of high-quality services. [...] For their success in the main, the place-based success of the levelling up missions will rely on not just the upkeep, but also the steady and measurable improvement of local public services, to the local public realm and local economies. [...] The consequences of short-termism in funding are far-reaching in the sector, including a lack of investment in preventative and neighbourhood services, a hindrance on collaboration and innovation, and a decline in the perceived legitimacy of local government and its ability to perform well. [...] 2.1 Neighbourhood services Much of the immediate interaction of citizens with the state – be it through the collection of waste, the upkeep of parks or the development of the public realm – is handled by local government. [...] It should be based on the idea that the both the physical environment, including the built environment and open spaces, and social environment, including the activity and amenities of a place, shape the economic, environmental and social wellbeing of communities and residents.
Published in
United Kingdom
