cover image: A Guide to Evaluating Loneliness Outcomes for Community Organisations OUTCOMES


A Guide to Evaluating Loneliness Outcomes for Community Organisations OUTCOMES

16 Nov 2021

Very lonely at the start of the service responding to each question lonely through their involvement (baseline) of the UCLA-LS 4-item measure in the service, or by the time they Percentage of service users reporting very high levels of have completed the service. [...] For service users aged 45 years and under: Number of service users with a total score of 14 or more at end of service × 100 Total number of service users who completed the UCLA-LS at end of service 2b. [...] For service users aged 45 years and over: Number of service users with a total score of 13 or more at end of service × 100 Total number of service users who completed the UCLA-LS at end of service 2 • A Guide to Evaluating Loneliness Outcomes for Community Organisations 9 Evaluating Service Effectiveness: Single-Item Measure 3 Often lonely at baseline (single-item measure) Number of service users. [...] Outcomes Summary The percentage of new parents who reported being very lonely decreased from 65% at the start of the service to 52% at the end of the service. [...] Outcomes Summary The percentage of older adults who reported being very lonely decreased from 82% at the start of the service to 42% at the end of the service.
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