cover image: Foreign investment in Australia - Australian big business is not very


Foreign investment in Australia - Australian big business is not very

11 Aug 2023

Foreign investment in Australia Australian big business is not very Australian at all Despite the importance placed on foreign investment, and public sensitivity to it, little data is available on the level of foreign ownership of Australian companies. [...] Despite the apparent importance of foreign investment and the importance of regulating it effectively, there is very little accessible data relating to the level of foreign ownership of particular Australian corporations. [...] Understanding foreign ownership of corporations is made more difficult by the fact that the ultimate owner (or beneficiary) of a share in a corporation may not be in the same country as the legal entity that owns the relevant shares. [...] In 2011 the Australian Greens commissioned a study into the level of foreign investment in the Australian mining industry.8 The study concluded that 83% of the mining industry is foreign owned, an estimate later supported by Treasury analysis that put foreign ownership share of major mining projects at 86%.9 While the Greens analysis was not seriously contested, Greens leader Bob Brown was declare. [...] Legal title to the foreign financial products is held by a nominee company on behalf of CDI holders.” Foreign investment in Australia 12 Polling Key results The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,001 Australians about the level of foreign ownership in various companies and groups of companies.


David Richardson

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