cover image: Heatwaves and Wildfires: Indigenous Knowledge and Global Climate Security - CLIMATE CHANGE


Heatwaves and Wildfires: Indigenous Knowledge and Global Climate Security - CLIMATE CHANGE

16 Aug 2023

What works in one continent may not work in ing of forest and vegetation to avoid wildfires, and tree plant- another, and even may have the inverse effect of making a ing, reforestation, and rewilding techniques as strategies to country and its community more exposed to extreme heat address climate change. [...] The mid-year period of 2023 will serve as a reminder that we need to consider the place and prominence of indigenous and local knowledge in our efforts Historically in Europe, the continent was split between to address climate change impacts while seeking to Northern European countries where there was less need for contribute to overall global climate security. [...] Davidson Adding to the “food security headache” from the ongoing rice Just another crisis? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on export bans, including the UAE’s and Russia’s, China is now under- Southeast Asia's rice sector. [...] the momentum from the UN Food System Summit and recognizing The Star that the 2030 target year of the Sustainable Development Goals is 7 August 2023 just in the horizon. [...] Anne Décobert and Tamas Wells The New Humanitarian | 3 August 2023 EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Emergency services: How the EU's disaster response hub works Synergizing disaster risk reduction and climate In the face of increasing extreme weather events in the EU, the change adaptation EU Civil Protection Mechanism is being increasingly called upon.



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