cover image: ANNUAL REPORT 2020 - Connecting Fish, Rivers and People!


ANNUAL REPORT 2020 - Connecting Fish, Rivers and People!

19 Jul 2021

The EU Horizon2020 project, AMBER (Adaptive As a part of the project, we have: created the first Management of Barriers in European Rivers), seeks assessment of stream connectivity across Europe to to apply adaptive management to the operation of highlight where restoration is most needed; developed barriers in European rivers to achieve more effective tools for guiding the restoration of river ec. [...] This is in stark contrast together fish and river experts to create awareness, to Europe and North America where river practitioners share experiences from different countries and are investing in dam removal and engaging the public mobilize local organizations and communities to take to better understand the importance of free-flowing action to save migratory fish and free-flowing rivers on river. [...] CAMBODIA VIETNAM The Mekong giant catfish is endemic to the Mekong River and mainly in the lower Mekong River basin CONSERVATION STATUS: CRITICALLY ENDANGERED LIVING PLANET INDEX 60 They can live to beyears old It is one of the most endangered fish in southeast Asia The The Living Planet Index for Migratory Freshwater Fish construction of dams likely prevents is the first comprehensive global repo. [...] AUDIT In accordance with your instructions we have com- piled the annual account 2020 of your company, This audit includes the annual account for 2020 of the including the balance sheet with counts of € 214,439 World Fish Migration Foundation, including the bal- and the profit and loss account with a result of € ance sheet with counts of € 214,439 and the profit and 84,282. [...] The financial state- The World Fish Migration Foundation is a non-profit or- ments comprise the balance sheet as at December ganisation that advocates for free flowing swimways 31, 2020, the profit and loss account and the cash for the sake of migratory fish.
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