cover image: SCOPE PURPOSE POLICY STATEMENT 1. Principles 2. Key Requirements - Cyber Security Framework


SCOPE PURPOSE POLICY STATEMENT 1. Principles 2. Key Requirements - Cyber Security Framework

25 Aug 2023

1.2 The University manages cyber security risk to safeguard and secure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its technology, applications and information assets, and facilitate a culture of cyber security awareness. [...] 1.3 The management and awareness of cyber security risk is the responsibility of both the University and users, and requires a concerted effort across all University operations. [...] 4.6 In the event of a cyber security incident, the University will follow the University Cyber Incident Response process to manage and comply with applicable legal requirements, minimise harm to impacted individuals, and minimise damage and risk to the University. [...] 5.2 The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is responsible for overseeing the implementation of cyber security controls, the management of cyber security incident response and development and maintenance of the University’s cyber security strategy. [...] 5.5 Deans and Portfolio Heads are responsible for ensuring all staff they have oversight of comply with this policy and for facilitating the assessment of cyber security risks, and the implementation of cyber security controls in accordance with the University’s Enterprise Risk Management Policy and the Mandatory Compliance Procedure.
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