cover image: FINANCIAL MATTERS & MOTIVES: - Insights into the various lives of gig workers


FINANCIAL MATTERS & MOTIVES: - Insights into the various lives of gig workers

22 Aug 2023

A study by Dell A combination of structural factors such Foundation and BCG in 2021 projected as a rise in smartphone ownership, access the “gigable” economy to reach 90 to internet, increased uptake of online million jobs and contribute up to 1.25 per services, and disruptions in India’s labour cent to India’s GDP (over $250 billion in 2 force have propelled the digital gig volume of work) in 8-1. [...] On the one low baseline and entry-level skills hand, it provides direct and easy access combined with inadequate investment to livelihoods to a large, relatively young in skills upgradation may limit career population and significantly impacts the development and create bottlenecks in “informalisation” of labour; and on the job progression. [...] They tend to view their to better understand variations in needs income as discretionary and focus on and behaviors, as well as to enable finance as a means to address more broader stakeholders in the financial gratifying and impulsive personal inclusion ecosystem to design tailored needs. [...] to relate these to on the job learning opportunities or deficits, and identify A key area of investigation is the dynamic upskilling and associated financing nature of job trajectories, risks and needs along the way. [...] Also, a deeper perspective on the influence of Finally, there is growing evidence of the financial obligations and risk factors on negative physical and psychological career and employment choices could health impacts of cash flow volatility be instrumental in understanding these and uncertainty faced by low-income trajectories and designing the right households.
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