The overall picture that the project preparation process can play a key emerges from these facilities is that of a large, role in expanding human and technical capacity diverse and fragmented set of approaches, which and strengthening the ecosystem necessary to vary in geographic coverage, type of institution give investors confidence in ‘deal flow’ – the and stage of intervention in the project v. [...] The process also required developers economy issues, such as the willingness to pay to contribute 1% of the total project cost to a for clean energy services, reforming fossil fuel revolving project preparation facility for future subsidies, and changing the role of the public and smaller and medium-sized projects (Nassiry et private sectors in delivering energy services (ASI, al., 2016). [...] 19 For example, experience with the ACEF helped to identify the need to foster alignment between the developers and financiers, ensure that the ‘hand-off’ between the two is as quick and efficient as possible, develop a clear, shared understanding of what success looks like, and agreement among the partners on a success target (R. [...] 24 These include the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Caribbean Development Bank, the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, the Development Bank of Latin America, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Islamic Devel. [...] The PPP Center also advocates policy reforms to improve the legal and regulatory frameworks governing PPPs in order to maximise the great potentials of these infrastructure and development projects in the country.