cover image: Switzerland_Europe_RE_SP



16 Aug 2023

The bar chart shows the proportion of a country's land area in each of these classes and the global distribution of land area across the 3 8 classes (for comparison). [...] The bar chart shows 2 9 the distribution of the country's land area in each of these classes compared to the global distribution of wind resources. [...] The chart shows the average NPP in the country 0 tC/ha/yr 11 (tC/ha/yr), compared to the global average NPP of 3-4 tonnes of carbon = Global average of 3-4 tC/ha/yr Sources: IRENA statistics, plus data from the following sources: UN SDG Database (original sources: WHO; World Bank; IEA; IRENA; and UNSD); UN World Population Prospects; UNSD Energy Balances; UN COMTRADE; World Bank World Development. [...] Avoided emissions from renewable power is calculated as renewable generation divided by fossil fuel generation multiplied by reported emissions from the power sector. [...] This assumes that, if renewable power did not exist, fossil fuels would be used in its place to generate the same amount of power and using the same mix of fossil fuels.


Adrian Whiteman

Published in
United Arab Emirates
