cover image: The 10-year National Housing and Homelessness Plan Key messages and


The 10-year National Housing and Homelessness Plan Key messages and

14 Aug 2023

This includes work to minimise the harm of homelessness by providing support to people in crisis, support to achieve a pathway out of homelessness and support to sustain housing. [...] The consequence is that services often need to ration support and access to housing and accommodation and other support and as a result many people in need of support are unable to get the support they need. [...] Provision of Housing First at scale requires much greater investment in: to provide the intensity and length of support that people need to sustain housing b.capacity building in governments that are commissioning homelessness services and in the homelessness sector to develop high fidelity Housing First models housing to provide the housing needed for Housing First programs 13. [...] The need to mobilise a unique set of systems and services to prevent and respond to child and youth homelessness, that are different to the system response needed to respond to adult homelessness, is the primary reason that Homelessness Australia and many youth homelessness services and youth homelessness advocates have called for a stand-alone national child and youth homelessness plan. [...] The most effective way to end child and youth homelessness is to centre these issues in a specialist strategy to end child and youth homelessness that maps both the reforms needed for prevention of child and youth homelessness and the services and youth housing models needed for best practice responses to children and young people without homes.


Council to Homeless Persons

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