cover image: Partnering with First Nations communities on City and Regional Planning


Partnering with First Nations communities on City and Regional Planning

5 Jul 2023

The authors recognise the diversity of peoples and cultures within these groups, the range of terms used within and across nations, and the right of all peoples to claim their cultural inheritance and the names by which they are known. [...] In highlighting the diversity of Indigenous peoples and the movement of many to urban centres, the The report has four geographical focus areas: report notes that the international trends to empower Australia, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Canada and Sápmi Indigenous voices in planning and governance (the lands of the Sámi peoples). [...] The subsequent addition of Teo Ao Māori is also grounded in frameworks of the Sámi peoples necessitated a move from a nations- relationality, and this is exemplified in the recitation based approach in consideration of the multi-national of whakapapa (genealogy) – a classification system and cross-national positioning of Sámi within and that links all animate and inanimate, known and across the na. [...] Indigenous practices and consume a diet that harms Indigenous peoples in Canada continue to resist Treaty breaches; health and wellbeing.28 the destruction of their homelands by extractive industries; the epidemic of Missing and Murdered In Canada, 61% of Indigenous peoples currently live Indigenous Women, Children and Two-Spirit people; in urban areas and cities, and these urban Indigenous the in. [...] As an Indigenous-led project, it is shaped from the perspective of the Indigenous voice, thus the resources use of Our is situated from the point-of-view of the Traditional Owners, not the institutional partners in the project which include The Australian Government, The CSIRO and the National Environmental Science Program.


Greater Cities Commission

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