- Disclosure Date
- 2023/08/22
- Disclosure Status
- Disclosed
- Doc Name
- Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Agricultural Employment Support for Refugees and Turkish Citizens through Enhanced Market Linkages (P171543)
- Lending Instrument
- Investment Project Financing
- Originating Unit
- MAS Portf West/Ctrl/South Africa (CM3P6)
- Product Line
- Recipient Executed Activities
- Published in
- United States of America
- Rel Proj ID
- TR-Agricultural Employment Support For Refugees And Turkish Citize -- P171543
- TF No/Name
- TF0B3005-Understanding constraints to refugees' formal employment in agriculture,TF0B4378-ACC RETF,TF0B4912-ACC Implementation Support and Technical Assistance,TF0B8248-Filling the Knowledge Gap on Refugees’ Labor Market Integration in
- Theme
- Forced Displacement,Job Creation,Human Development and Gender,Skills Development,Rural Development,Social Development and Protection,Private Sector Development,Labor Market Policy and Programs,Fragility, Conflict and Violence,Active Labor Market Programs,Urban and Rural Development,Jobs,Rural Markets
- Unit Owning
- Social Protection & Labor ECA (HECSP)
- Version Type
- Final