cover image: Disinformation and the Role of Influencers in Times of Conflict


Disinformation and the Role of Influencers in Times of Conflict

24 Aug 2023

Recognizing the ences about the threat of disinformation, dis‐ danger that disinformation on social media cussed the unique perspective that influ‐ poses to public discourse, democracy and so‐ encers and creators bring to this issue, and cial trust, the Aspen Institute Germany has collaboratively developed ideas for counter‐ initiated the project “Disinformation and the ing disinformation that can. [...] Dis‐ information campaigns can be a form of pro‐ The Berlin Study Trip from June 6 to 8, paganda, which is the systematic promotion 2023, was the first face-to-face meeting of of particular information, ideas, and/or im‐ the project, where the influencers and cre‐ ages with the intention of influencing peo‐ Disinformation False and misleading information covertly and deliberately produced and shar. [...] Several partici‐ where selected participants presented their pants also highlighted that the training sharp‐ own informative social media projects, was ened their sense of responsibility as people in the question how to develop a sense of trust the public eye to foster critical thinking and and community among social media follow‐ media literacy in the general public, helping ers. [...] The workshop highlighted ment representatives also stressed the poten‐ that there remain significant gaps in the reg‐ tial for content creators to help build media ulation of the internet and that the rapidly literacy in the population. [...] There was also a showed eagerness to take a stand for human sense of urgency to step up the fight against rights and to step up efforts to push back disinformation amid the rapid advances against the destructive impact of online dis‐ made on AI, the frequent changes to social information.


Michaela Zintl

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