cover image: SAOXIS2_2019-2021_Arctic-Council-Observer-REVIEW-Switzerland



21 Apr 2023

(a) A description of the Observer’s contributions to the work of the Arctic Council since the time of the Observer’s most recent submission, or in the previous two years, with special focus on contributions to the subsidiary bodies through project participation and support, as well as collaboration with Permanent Participants; (b) If applicable, a description of the Observer’s future plans to cont. [...] Switzerland’s high degree of involvement in the Arctic finds its motivation in the characteristics of Swiss landscape which has been shaped – like the Arctic – by the ice ages, and is composed of mountain ranges consisting of many glaciers, among them the largest ice flow of the Alps. [...] The Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research (SCPHAR) of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences acts as an exchange and coordination platform for Swiss scientists at various international research institutions, and specifically coordinates participation in the scientific work of the Arctic Council and of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). [...] Switzerland has also strengthened and fine-tuned the participation of Swiss contributions to the work and the objectives of the different Arctic Council's Working Groups and Expert Groups. [...] Observer status allows Switzerland to support the work of the Arctic Council and to put its expertise at the service of the various Working Groups, particularly in the field of interdisciplinary research related to the environment.
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