cover image: FreedomOnline Coalition Strategy &Coordination Meeting, June 2023


FreedomOnline Coalition Strategy &Coordination Meeting, June 2023

13 Jul 2023

TFDE co-Chairs from the FOC-AN further highlighted the activities of the Task Force, noting ongoing collaborative research projects undertakenwith Duke University, and noted plans to organise a learning call with the broader FOC to share findings from the research project and explore the human rights implications of access and use of digital technologies. [...] Housekeeping ● The SU provided an overview of the SCM and RightsCon agenda [please see Annex 4 for the summaries of the FOC RightsCon sessions and side-event], and noted the following updates on the Internal Program of Action: FOC Strategy and CoordinationMeeting Report 5 June 2023 ○ Membership / Chairship 2024: ● Iceland became the 37thMember of the Coalition. [...] C., the FOC agreed to begin the formal process of ToR revisions; following twomonths of consultation with a drafting committeemade up of the Friends of the Chair (FotC), FotCMembers developed a first draft that has been sharedwith the Coalition for input [Please note that the deadline to submit written comments to the First Draft is 30 June. [...] ○ Provide a briefing on the current work of the organisation to the FOC; ○ Provide a briefing on the FOC’s current work to the organisation; ○ Share the organisation’s relevant public documents, or updates on documents in development with FOCMembers; ○ Share FOC public outputs with the organisation. [...] Panellists reflected on the importance of transparency, especially around the development of AI, the use of a human rights-based framework in technology and policy evaluation, and the need to consider the contexts of the challenges to Internet freedom.
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