cover image: U.S.-German Forum Future Agriculture Recommendations on Climate for the National


U.S.-German Forum Future Agriculture Recommendations on Climate for the National

12 Sep 2023

To ensure food security These include utilizing technologies to and the viability of the agricultural sector, better assess weather patterns and efforts to improve the climate resilience of predict extreme events and employing arable agriculture are critical. [...] These successful implementation of a practices must be region-specific and comprehensive transition to more must be used to reduce soil erosion, retain sustainable practices will hinge on the soil moisture, and enhance soil’s ability to ability of both the public and private capture carbon, and break the pest and sectors to make this transition tenable and disease cycle. [...] During the program, participants challenges for the field of agriculture and had the opportunity to learn about rural regions and pave the way for a more agricultural practices and policies in each sustainable agricultural future. [...] and such, the group developed policy German farmers and other key agricultural recommendations related to climate change stakeholders from research and business, and agriculture in arable farming for the the forum addresses precisely these national level and transatlantic cooperation. [...] consensus of the group and reflect the In its first year, the project has convened 16 diverse personal experiences, expertise, participants active in the field of arable ideas, and opinions of each participant.


Michaela Zintl

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