cover image: POLICY BRIEF: 15/2020  - Towards a reconstruction programme


POLICY BRIEF: 15/2020 - Towards a reconstruction programme

3 Aug 2020

That in turn requires both immediate efforts, to minimise the economic impacts of the pandemic even while it still rages, and longer-run strategies to diversify the economy away from mining and to ensure greater equality in education, workplaces, and access to assets. [...] JULY 2020 The continued failure to control the pandemic in the United States, the largest economy in the world, is likely to add to the burden on the global economy. [...] In this context, the IMPACTS OF THE PANDEMIC continued failure to control the pandemic in the United States, the largest economy in the world, is This section summarises some of the main impacts of likely to add to the burden on the global economy. [...] to restrict economic activities and demand in this The climate crisis period; and • Programmes to support a stronger recovery in the The climate crisis has already begun to slow growth in medium term, which would mostly have tangible South Africa in two ways: through the limits on the coal economy, and through repeated droughts. [...] The process would require a secretariat to Opportunities also arise out of the disruptions in trade convene the forums promptly and to develop and financial flows resulting from the crisis.


janet wilhelm

Published in
South Africa