cover image: An estimate of the global prevalence and incidence of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection


An estimate of the global prevalence and incidence of herpes simplex virus type 2 infection

1 Oct 2008

Values of the HSV-2 seroprevalence from the model fits were applied to the total population to estimate the numbers of people infected. [...] For example, to viral shedding from the site of the United States of America (USA), four estimates of the incidence of chancroid initial infection. [...] The 15–49 years who were living with HSV-2 ling the prevalence of HSV-2 in the number of new infections was highest worldwide in 2003 is 536 million, or USA using reported sexual behaviours, in the youngest age groups, and de- roughly 16% of the world’s population Garnett et al. [...] The rate of decline in the tion is lifelong, and this is observed in to men was needed to explain the ob- number of new infections was higher the data. [...] The estimates for the percentage of the total population (in- Table 4. Global estimates of the incidence of the herpes simplex virus type 2 fected and uninfected combined) newly infection, in 2003 infected with HSV-2 in 2003 (Table 4) are of a comparable magnitude to the Age in years Global incidence in millions (percentage per population) estimates of HSV-2 incidence obtained in our review of inc
public health reviews


Looker, Katharine J, Garnett, Geoffrey P, Schmid, George P

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