cover image: Family Policy in Council of Europe member states ENG


Family Policy in Council of Europe member states ENG

4 Jun 2009

Thanks to the expertise brought by the members of the Committee, the exchange of information, the collection of detailed data and the analysis of good practices undertaken in 2008 and 2009, the experts were able to identify interesting new policy initiatives. [...] This is the case, for example, of Norway and The Netherlands, which protect all women during pregnancy and maternity leave by suspending the period of notice; the Russian Federation, which protects women from dismissal at least till the beginning of maternity leave; and Serbia, where the duration of the work contract is suspended till the end of parental leave. [...] And, on the other hand, that the regulation of post-divorce parental relations and responsibilities reflects the adoption of gender equality values in parenthood, and is evidence of a new understanding of the rights and needs of the child. [...] coordinated the data provided by experts in different units of the Department for Family and Youth Affairs of the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministries of Health, of Justice, of Education, Arts and Culture, of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, as well as the Austrian Institute for Family Studies. [...] Head of the Division of Allowances of the Department of Social Insurance of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia Director of the Department of Labour of the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia Director of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia Director of the Department of Social Services and.



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