cover image: Flexible work arrangements and fathers’ take-up of parental leave in Finland - Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Finnish


Flexible work arrangements and fathers’ take-up of parental leave in Finland - Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Finnish

3 Jul 2023

Miksi kotihoidon tukea käytetään 2020-luvulla? Flexible work arrangements and fathers’ take-up of parental leave in Finland Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Finnish Institution for Health and Welfare (THL) Johanna Närvi, Finnish Institution for Health and Welfare (THL) Anneli Miettinen, Social Security Institution of Finland (Kela) Miia Saarikallio-Torp, Social Security Institution of Finland (Kela) Anu Kin. [...] Lammi-Taskula, Miettinen, Närvi, Saarikallio-Torp, Kinnunen 3.7.2023 2 Old and new Parental Leave scheme in Finland (days; 6 days = 1 week; 25 days = 1 month) 3 w of Paternity Paternity leave leave can be can be taken until taken simult. [...] the mother Maternity leave Parental leave Paternity leave Care leave / Home care allowance Old 30 75 158 54 until child turns 3 yrs P a New Preg- r e n t a l l e a v e parent A Care leave / nancy Transferable to other parent parent B Home care allowance leave 40 97 63 + 63 = 126 97 +10 +22 -32 +43 Parental leave can be taken until child is 2 yrs (four periods per parent) Birth of child Age of chil. [...] Data (response rate): 1824 mothers (36 %) and 1524 fathers (22 %)* OBS! Data was collected before the leave reform (base line for future evaluation of the reform) *weighed by: age of child, age of parent, number of children, income, area/county Lammi-Taskula, Miettinen, Närvi, Saarikallio-Torp, Kinnunen 3.7.2023 6 Fathers’ leave use according to work characteristics (The simultaneous paternity lea. [...] Our results show that during the last year of the old leave scheme • paternity leave simultaneously with the mother was taken more by those with more flexibility at work; father’s leave quota (after the parental leave period) was taken less by those who have daily flexibility in working time (and a possibility to telework).


Johanna Närvi

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