cover image: Multiple meanings of care across time and space: policy resources for working parents and carers - Prof. Mara A. Yerkes


Multiple meanings of care across time and space: policy resources for working parents and carers - Prof. Mara A. Yerkes

5 Jul 2023

Yerkes Utrecht University ERC-CoG CAPABLE: Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking work- life policies and their impact from a new perspective T H I S P R O J E C T H A S R E C E I V E D F U N D I N G F R O M T H E E U R O P E A N R E S E A R C H C O U N C I L ( E R C ) U N D E R T H E E U R O P E A N U N I O N ’ S H O R I Z O N 2 0 2 0 R E S E A R C H I N N O V A T I O N P R O G R A M M E ( G R A N T. [...] 2 Background and motivation • 2019 WLB directive: intention to ease work-care combinations for working parents and working carers • Member state response: introduce/extend policies to meet the guidelines of the directive • Problem: introduce/extend policy ≠ improving the capabilities of working parents and working carers in equal ways • Policies based on assumptions of meaning of care for parents. [...] And then one of the big changes is that obligation to go so frequently to check that she’s okay and trying to find cover for holidays and weekends away. [...] And then one of the big changes is that obligation to go so frequently to check that she’s okay and trying to find cover for holidays and weekends away. [...] So I find that difficult, getting away without knowing that she won’t have anybody for a couple of days.” Female formally educated working carer (and parent), Leeds 13 Care spatialities • “I think the first time she had a stroke, I was up at the hospital every day, but this time she was at, like a further hospital and I was working at the same time and I wasn’t going up a day.” Female formally edu.
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