cover image: Social Media and its Impact on Terrorism and Violent Extremism in the Next 2-5 Years


Social Media and its Impact on Terrorism and Violent Extremism in the Next 2-5 Years

15 Sep 2023

This paper aims to lay out the interplay that exists in different hypothetical situations based on parallel trends in the technology landscape and the violent extremist community while looking ahead to consider the impact on terrorism and violent extremism. [...] S., the Supreme Court ruled against the family of a 2017 ISIS attack victim who sought to hold tech companies liable for allowing ISIS to use their platforms in its terrorism efforts5 the court left the question of the scope of the immunity that Section 230 grants to social media companies, declining to weigh in on this issue in the case of Gonzalez vs Google.6 We can easily imagine a future in wh. [...] This accessibility and the ability to quickly scale content generation – creating endless permutations of material that requires highly complex subject matter expertise and decision-making to moderate – will require significant development and investment in evolving content moderation and other trust and safety interventions for identifying, moderating, and removing violative content. [...] However, disrupting networks that are driving radicalization will be increasingly important, and the community countering and preventing terrorism and violent extremism must develop more agility in order to keep pace with the dynamic nature of the threat while protecting human rights to access and utilize these platforms. [...] At the same time, as much of this production of content and radicalization will continue to occur on alt-tech platforms, having a strategy for circumventing the negative effects of platforms that will not come to the table – and that willfully support hate-based ideologies – will be key.