The findings in this report reflect the majority position of active participants from the GIFCT Transparency Working Group, the balance of existing desk research, and dominant survey findings from a collaborative online survey of TWG members and their organizations.2 The report outlines the current state of play, discusses sectoral barriers and risks to achieving effective transparency, exp. [...] As a primary tool to track progress toward this desired end state, transparency reporting needs to enable industry and government partners to measure the efficacy of their interventions designed to safeguard rights and protect users and provide CSOs the knowledge 3 The European Parliament and Council of the European Union, “Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of. [...] The algorithms behind tech platforms may contribute to the rise of extremism and online radicalization.27 Online influences are portrayed as the main drivers of the spread and adoption of extremist ideologies, which often contain an element of collective grievance and subsequent acts of violence.28 Violent extremists and the morosely curious have exploited tech platforms to ensure haunting brutali. [...] Collaborative partnerships between organizations and tech companies can improve the value of public debate and the integrity of democratic practices.53 The productive engagement of civil society with private sector 51 Fishman, “Dual-use regulation”; Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication, “Internet transparency: A guide to applying the UNESCO. [...] While current transparency work is moving in that direction, meaningful transparency requires a shared recognition of goals beyond simple “ticking the box” exercises.61 Trust, good faith, shared knowledge, and outcomes: Civil society colleagues in the TWG stressed the importance of good faith and trust in terms of the quality of information provided through transparency reporting and the validity.
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