cover image: foraus - Understanding the Romanian Diaspora


foraus - Understanding the Romanian Diaspora

25 Aug 2023

Furthermore, by exploring the Swiss cohesion contributions, within the purview of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and SECO (both institutions with equal rights and responsibilities in administering the funding), we show how and why should diasporas be considered when assessing and implementing this gamut of financial instruments (Swiss contributions), the cornerstone of Swit. [...] The third and last section of our report presents a matrix of policy recommendations, departing from the foreign policy analysis in the first part, as well as the comprehensive mapping of Romanian communities, in section two. [...] The second set of conclusions draws on the wider implications of engaging EU/EFTA diasporas showing how the integration and active participation of migrant communities in the host society, would bolster Switzerland‘s posture vis-à-vis the implementation of European cohesion agendas, thereby linking a yet untapped social capital with Swiss foreign policy objectives and their areas of impact. [...] The visit, however, marked a significant change in the Swiss foreign policy outlook and opened the path to Switzerland’s participation in the conference on security and cooperation in Europe (CSCE). [...] The Romanian historical diaspora in Switzerland: the case of Ethnic Romanians from Vojvodina and the Timok Valley (Serbia) In this vignette, we capture a poorly understood community, ethnic Romanians from Vojvodina and the Timok Valley (Serbia) and their presence in Switzerland.
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