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Bosnia and Herzegovina – New Government, New Reform Effort? White

21 Sep 2023

Overall, participants agreed that while in the previous crisis institutions were endangered, now the very existence of the state was at risk, and Milorad Dodik, the President of the Republika Srpska, attempted to destroy institutions in order to destroy the country. [...] The list of concrete (mostly indi- vidual) recommendations includes: • A few participants proposed the abolishment of the House of Peoples in the Federation of BiH entity and the Council of Peoples in the RS entity. [...] It was also criticized by the Venice Commission and the OSCE; • There was general hostility towards critical voices and a lack of understand- ing of the purpose of CSOs within society, paired with a perception of CSOs as foreign agents; • Lack of systematic support and the need to change the politics of “donor-fa- vored” programs: Public funding from the state and entities was politically affiliat. [...] In this way, the support would be made more effective and sustainable; • Instead of insisting on one-size-fits-all solutions in the process of accession of BiH to the EU (one law, one strategy, one institution), in cases where this was not possible due to the complex constitutional structure of the country, it was better to promote the harmonization of laws, strategies, and policies between the en. [...] This would change the currently ineffective approach of transferring best and good practices from the EU to a context that is different in many respects; • The role and influence of civil society organizations in the economic develop- ment of the country should be strengthened, especially in the following areas: • Advocating for economic and related political changes; • Promoting good local/region.
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