cover image: FACT SHEET - Latinas Will Not Reach Pay Equity with White Men until 2207 if Current Trends Persist


FACT SHEET - Latinas Will Not Reach Pay Equity with White Men until 2207 if Current Trends Persist

28 Sep 2023

This fact sheet analyzes the earnings of Hispanic or Latina women and White, non-Hispanic men in the United States using two different measures: median annual earnings for all Latinas and White, non- Hispanic men with earnings, regardless of whether they worked full-time, part-time, year-round, or part-year, and median annual earnings for Latinas and White, non-Hispanic men who worked full-time ye. [...] Based on the trends of the last two decades, it will take almost two hundred years, until 2207, for all Latinas with earnings to reach pay equity with White, non-Hispanic men, and nearly 250 years, until 2171, for full-time year-round working Latinas.12 Latinas Earn Less than White Men in Every State Latinas’ median annual earnings were lower than White, non-Hispanic men’s in every state and the D. [...] • The largest absolute gap in earnings was found in the District of Columbia, where the median annual earnings of all Latinas was $51,852 less than those of White, non-Hispanic men. [...] Latinas in professional and managerial jobs are much less likely to hold senior leadership positions than White men, and much more likely to report 5 discrimination and unsupportive work environments.34 Latinas in the construction and manufacturing trades report discrimination in hiring and lay-offs, access to overtime, and promotions, and are less likely than men, or other women, to hold the high. [...] 10 State data are the most recent available and are for 2017-2021; sample sizes were sufficient to calculate median annual earnings for all workers with earnings for all 50 states and the District of Columbia; Vermont was the only state where the American Community Survey sample size is insufficient for calculating the median annual earnings for Hispanic or Latina women full-time year-round worker.
Published in
United States of America
