cover image: UUSC 23-24 Stories of Hope Booklet.indd


UUSC 23-24 Stories of Hope Booklet.indd

21 Sep 2023

This opportunity to learn deeply from a few of UUSC’s grassroots partners invites you and members of all ages to expand the borders of our compassion and recognize the ways we are all connected by the desire for justice and liberation. [...] Ana agreements that violate the right Lorena Delgadillo, FJEDD’s of people to migrate, that violate Executive Director, shared the right of people to request how the organization pursued asylum, that violate the right of liberation this year. [...] to 4 5 form a national association of TPS infringing on the rights of people holders working towards concrete exercising their human right to solutions to the issues facing migrate, save for the advocacy those with—or seeking—the organizations and groups that designation. [...] This drove hygiene and sanitary items, food us to unite and to establish the (through vouchers restricted to Alliance for Black Justice in Poland.” essential items), clothing, and public transport tickets.” The major issue ABJP is working to address now is the vulnerability ABJP’s focus has expanded to of Black people who have decided include Black people who were to stay in Poland. [...] The people who live in places such as • Learn more and watch a the Global South and the Pacific video about ABJP at Islands contribute the least to this
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United States of America