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ETHIOPIA - The humanitarian information and analysis ecosystem OVERVIEW

29 Sep 2023

An effective and appropriate humanitarian response depends on looks at the information landscape in Ethiopia, assesses the quality, reliability, the production of high-quality data and analyses, with organisations facing challenges related and sharing of available humanitarian data; and identifies opportunities to to data collection, analysis capacity, and information sharing between organisations. [...] among humanitarian responders, ensure that information is collected and disseminated in a timely manner to inform decision-making and the wider humanitarian response, and support Humanitarian architecture and information management the humanitarian country team and the GoE in understanding the humanitarian situation (OCHA 28/02/2023). [...] More recently, in May and June 2023, WFP and USAID respectively suspended assessments and village assessment surveys quarterly to monitor the number of IDPs and food distribution in Tigray and the rest of the country, naming cases of aid diversion, food not their needs across the country (IOM 15/05/2022). [...] This includes the analysis of The 2019 Civil Societies Proclamation situational developments across the country and their impacts on the affected population, as well as in-depth thematic analyses, responding to the situation and the humanitarian The 2019 CSO law reversed most of the restrictive measures under the 2009 community’s analysis needs (ACAPS accessed 05/09/2023). [...] Various assessments and monitoring by the Government (through the EDRMC and line ministries), subnational clusters, and independent humanitarian organisations aid the Limited cooperation between the international humanitarian stage and the local and national identification of target populations and the design of humanitarian intervention strategies.
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