Clean Air Fund: 2022 Annual Report and Accounts 28 SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM DECISION MAKING The senior leadership team (SLT) of the Clean Air The Trustees, together with the Executive Fund compromises six members, the Executive Director and the SLT, make up the key Director as well as the other directors of the management of the charity and are responsible organisation. [...] Under company law the Trustees must not They are also responsible for safeguarding approve the financial statements unless they the assets of the company and hence for are satisfied that they give a true and fair taking reasonable steps for the prevention and view of the state of affairs of the charitable detection of fraud and other irregularities. [...] The company and of the incoming resources and Trustees are responsible for the maintenance application of resources, including the income and integrity of the corporate and financial and expenditure, of the charitable company for information included on the charitable that year. [...] In our opinion the financial statements: Our responsibilities and the responsibilities ■ give a true and fair view of the state of of the trustees with respect to going concern the charitable company’s affairs as at are described in the relevant sections of this 31 December 2022 and of its incoming report. [...] The laws and regulations we 37 the trustees (who are also the directors considered in this context were the Companies of the charitable company for the purposes Act 2006 together with the Charities SORP of company law) are responsible for the (FRS102) 2019.
- Pages
- 64
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- United Kingdom