cover image: Working_Paper_PCC_The_Just_Transition_in_coal_



15 Dec 2021

To assist in identifying appropriate responses, this paper describes the nature of the transition and the associated costs and benefits; the nature of existing governance systems; and key debates arising around the way forward. [...] In response, from the mid-2010s companies and 2 The name of the department changed in May 2021 with the merger of the Department of Mineral Resources and the Department of Energy into one department as the Department of Mineral resources and Energy (DMRE). [...] 9 3 THE COSTS OF THE TRANSITION Given the escalating economic costs of coal dependency to South Africa, why does it persist? In part, the answer lies in the divergent impact on stakeholders inside and outside the coal value chain. [...] The transition seems likely to accelerate from the second half of the 2020s, and intensify substantially in the 2030s and 2040s. [...] Step 3: Development and testing of proposals Outcomes and preconditions: The just transition requires viable and sustainable programmes to diversify the economies of the coal districts in Mpumalanga, and to support displaced 22 workers and small businesses.



Published in
South Africa