cover image: Submission to the Implementing Suburban University Study Hubs Consultation Paper


Submission to the Implementing Suburban University Study Hubs Consultation Paper

28 Sep 2023

Submission to the Implementing Suburban University Study Hubs Consultation Paper 02 OCTOBER 2023 CHARLES STURT UNIVERSITY | CQUNIVERSITY | FEDERATION UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIA | SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND | UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN QUEENSLAND | UNIVERSITY OF THE SUNSHINE COAST ABOUT THE REGIONAL UNIVERSITIES NETWORK The Regional Universities Network (RUN) welcomes the opportunity. [...] RUN’s response to each of for Australians in outer metropolitan and peri- the components of the consultation paper are urban areas to access and benefit from the embedded in four principles we believe should life-changing experience of higher education, underpin all aspects of the design of Suburban unlocking talent in these communities and University Study Hubs, from the aims, services, building. [...] Regional universities and metrics for success of study hubs are important partners to these existing hubs, in evidence and drawing on the lessons with the three largest university providers learned from existing Regional University to existing centres being RUN member Study Hubs institutions.1 We welcome the extension of 3. [...] The resourcing and focus of student services in these hubs should be responsive to the needs of the community and incorporate avenues for feedback from the student body as well as the broader community. [...] RUN endorse the idea of extending the dedicated stream of partnerships funding available to Regional University Study Hubs to the Suburban University Study Hubs, as well as other incentives to encourage collaboration with tertiary providers, industry, and community groups.
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