cover image: Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody National Report Volume 1


Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody National Report Volume 1


Volume 1 Transmission Letters Preface Framework of this report 1. Overview PART A THE DEATHS INVESTIGATED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION 2. Profile of Those Who Died; 3. The Findings of the Commissioners as to the Deaths; 4. The Adequacy of Previous Investigations. PART B THE DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER OF ABORIGINAL PEOPLE IN CUSTODY 5. The Disproportionate Numbers in Custody as the Immediate Explanation of the Numbers of Deaths in Custody; 6. Aboriginal People in Custody--Some Basic Facts; 7. Reasons for Custody; 8. Duration of Custody; 9. The Extent of the Disproportion. The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation draws your attention to the cultural sensitivity of issues and material in the individual death reports of the Royal Commission. The Council asks that, in accessing and using these reports, you be aware of this and of the sensitivities of the living relatives and friends of those whose deaths are recorded in these documents.
australia indigenous peoples


Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

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