cover image: Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody National Report Volume 2


Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody National Report Volume 2


Volume 2 PART C THE UNDERLYING ISSUES WHICH EXPLAIN THE DISPROPORTIONATE NUMBER OF ABORIGINAL PEOPLE IN CUSTODY 10. The Legacy of History; 11. Aboriginal Society Today; 12. Relations with the Non-Aboriginal Community; 13. The Criminal Justice System: Relations with Police; 14. Young Aboriginal People and the Juvenile Justice System; 15. The Harmful Use of Alcohol and Other Drugs; 16. Schooling; 17. Employment, Unemployment and Poverty; 18. Housing and Infrastructure; 19. Land Needs; 20. Self-determination. The Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation draws your attention to the cultural sensitivity of issues and material in the individual death reports of the Royal Commission. The Council asks that, in accessing and using these reports, you be aware of this and of the sensitivities of the living relatives and friends of those whose deaths are recorded in these documents.
australia indigenous peoples


Commissioner Elliott Johnson QC

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