cover image: Royal Commission on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Regional Report of Inquiry In New South Wales, Victoria & Tasmania


Royal Commission on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Regional Report of Inquiry In New South Wales, Victoria & Tasmania


PART ONE: Introduction And Overview CHAPTER 1: Introduction Nature Of This Report Lives And Deaths CHAPTER 2: Overview The Importance Of South-Eastern Australia Avoidability Of Deaths Police Care Of Prisoners Prison Deaths The Concern About Aboriginal Deaths In Custody Disproportionate Numbers In Custody Reducing The Disproportion The Path To Reconciliation The Immediate Future PART TWO: The Commission's Investigations CHAPTER 3: The Process Of Investigation CHAPTER 4 - Jurisdictional Issues PART THREE: The Deaths CHAPTER 5: General Findings As To Causes Of Deaths CHAPTER 6: Prevention Of Deaths CHAPTER 7: Aboriginals In Prison CHAPTER 8: Avoidance Of Custody PART FOUR: Action Following Deaths CHAPTER 9: Discovery Of Body CHAPTER 10: Police Investigations CHAPTER 11: Departmental Investigations CHAPTER 12 - Coroners PART FIVE: The Aboriginals Of South-Eastern Australia CHAPTER 13: The Aboriginals Of South-Eastern Australia CHAPTER 14: Living In South-Eastern Australia CHAPTER 15: The Historical Background CHAPTER 16: The Stolen Generations PART SIX: Aboriginals In Australian Society CHAPTER 17: Day To Day Interactions CHAPTER 18: Relations With Police CHAPTER 19: Domestic Violence CHAPTER 20: Juveniles Parental Control Of Aboriginal Children PART SEVEN: Social Conditions CHAPTER 21: Education CHAPTER 22: Employment And Enterprise CHAPTER 23: Health And Housing CHAPTER 24: Alcohol And Drugs PART EIGHT: Self-Determination CHAPTER 24: What And Why CHAPTER 26: Land Rights CHAPTER 27: Hope For The Future
australia indigenous peoples


Commissioner the Honourable J.H. Wootten, A.C. Q.C.

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