cover image: Indigenous Voice Co-design Process: Final Report to the Australian Government


Indigenous Voice Co-design Process: Final Report to the Australian Government

15 Jul 2021

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have long called for a greater say on the services, policies and laws that affect their lives to overcome their present level of exclusion from decision-making about the matters that affect them. This Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Final Report to the Australian Government is the culmination of a robust and contested process to design the details of an Indigenous Voice, as recommended by the 2018 Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This Final Report marks a milestone in the co-design of an Indigenous Voice. The proposals from the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Interim Report to the Australian Government, developed in stage one of the co-design process, have been tested and refined through a significant public consultation engaging more than 9,400 people and organisations, in stage two of the co-design process. The final proposals and recommendations in this report are the product of a genuine and thorough co-design, led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and undertaken in partnership with Government. This Final Report presents the proposals and recommendations for an Indigenous Voice—a cohesive and integrated system comprised of Local & Regional Voices and a National Voice—with connections to existing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander bodies. This Final Report also presents considerations for implementing an Indigenous Voice and details the consultation and engagement process.
australia voice referendum


2018 Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

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