cover image: ResReaerpcohrt - Strategies to support South African smallholders as a contribution to


ResReaerpcohrt - Strategies to support South African smallholders as a contribution to

1 Sep 2011

• A review of the documentation informing the development of the urban agriculture At one end of the continuum, the City of Cape policy of the City of Cape Town; Town has developed an urban agriculture policy and invested R35 million in a fresh produce mar- • A semi-structured interview with Stanley ket in Philippi in a joint venture with the Depart- Visser, an official in the City of Cape Town’s. [...] This runs counter to research evi- centrated to the north-east along the Tygerberg dence from the rest of the continent which indi- Hills, to the south-east around the Helderberg cates that “established urban dwellers are more Mountains and to the south around Constantia likely to be involved in agricultural activities and Hout Bay. [...] The manager’s force’ for the establishment of more than 2 500 role is to coordinate the supply from emerging emerging farmers and the development of more farmers to meet the demand from the markets in than 5 000 hectares of farmland over a five-year terms of volume, quality and range of produce. [...] (ibid) grammes for the correct cultivars to the farmers, and the extension officers of the Department of The Philippi Market model is based on private Agriculture, who should visit the projects regu- businesses renting space from the Philippi Mar- larly to ensure that the planting programmes ket Operating Company, and trying to source are followed. [...] The effectiveness of ‘pulling’ The City of Cape Town and the Provincial De- Support capacity and co-ordination partment of Agriculture have invested millions The case studies indicate the current limitations in the construction of the Philippi Fresh Produce of available support capacity.
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South Africa