cover image: CPI-Energy-Finance-Understanding-the-impact-of-a-low-carbon-transition-on-South-Africa-March-



20 Mar 2019

We need therefore to engage in the proactive pursuit of a path that seeks to contain the costs of the transition, one focused on alleviating the plight of the most vulnerable parts of society: workers and communities directly affected. [...] Our analysis suggests 17 This figure is calculated based on the costs associated with the early closure of certain power plants and the Secunda coal to liquids plant (eg, stranded asset, accelerated decommissioning costs) plus the incremental cost of replacing the 15 The extent to which the impact on valuations of this shift (between 2013 and 2017 products (electricity or fuels) produced by the ex. [...]  Calculation of the value at risk (economy-wide and a series of sovereign credit rating downgrades.33 and to countries, sectors, groups of companies and other groups of economic actors) arising from The structure of the economy and the distribution of trends external to South Africa and its transmission “government” or public risk across a range of levels of channels; government state-owned enterp. [...] on the impact of a low carbon transition on coal and oil demand, the impact of the transition in the transport Advocates for a new 400,000 barrel per day refinery in sector on some of the world’s largest minerals/metals South Africa have used a putative benefit to the balance markets is less certain. [...] We assessed the impact of accelerating the reduc- above), relative to continuing to operate the plants in tion in emissions from the CTL, considering the poten- the profile assumed by the draft IRP.49 Our alternative tial cost of installing CCS as well as the stranded value profile, with complete retirements of Komati, Grootvlei associated with an early shut-down and the costs of and Hendrina by 2.
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South Africa