cover image: COUNTRY BRIEF: USA  - Climate change and trade risk: South Africa’s trade with the


COUNTRY BRIEF: USA - Climate change and trade risk: South Africa’s trade with the

25 Apr 2023

invest in new clean energy and emissions reduction Under the presidency of Barack Obama, the USA technologies, and clean up legacy pollution in signed the Paris Agreement, committing to reducing communities across the USA (CleanEnergy. [...] the move to clean vehicles in the USA, including In August 2022, President Biden signed into law through the IRA and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. [...] The IRA seeks to promote the USA as a global leader Nevertheless, the Energy Innovation and Carbon 2 in clean energy technology, manufacturing, and Dividend Act, implemented in 2019, introduced a fee on carbon at the point of extraction to encourage governments to set an emission cap at an appropriate market-driven innovation of clean energy level, allowing GHG emissions reduction targets to be te. [...] emissions to 40% below the 1990 10 000 metric tons of In an attempt to levels by 2030 and to 80% below the GHG emissions must corner the market, California cap 1990 levels by 2050 in the state of report their emissions, fraud, attempted and trade (2013) California. [...] Underpinning the risk is the high Exports of miscellaneous chemical products to the dependency of South Africa on fossil-fuel based USA remain highly exposed to the US climate change energy sources for the production of transport policies, with about 2.3% of South African exports to equipment for exports and the accelerated pace of the USA at risk.


janet wilhelm

Published in
South Africa