cover image: Trade & Industrial SECTOR JOBS RESILIENCE PLAN: Policy Strategies


Trade & Industrial SECTOR JOBS RESILIENCE PLAN: Policy Strategies

24 Jun 2020

Establishing a structure to drive the SJRP for the metals value chain, based in a revision of the requirements for Social and Labour Plans (SLPs) to extend them to smelters and refineries, ensure stakeholder participation in design and implementation, and include the need to address climate-change related downsizing with a just transition. [...] The key stakeholders in the mining value chain for this purpose include organised business, organised labour, the mining-dependent municipalities and their provincial governments, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), the Department of Employment and Labour and the PCCCC. [...] The entity should aim to leverage existing initiatives in other areas, as discussed in in the SJRP for the coal value chain, from the 11 Renewable Energy Development Zones identified throughout the country (which includes traditional mining areas such as Klerksdorp, eMalahleni, and Kimberley) (Creamer 2019) to the repurposing of the land and the development of alternative economic activities, incl. [...] The implementation of such plans, under the leadership of the DMRE, the Department of Public Enterprises and the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) should be prioritised to fast-track the decarbonisation of the electricity supply. [...] Little to no room exists to reduce the price of fuel in the country due to the reliance of South Africa on imported petroleum products and the crucial role of fuel levies for the road network.



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South Africa