cover image: Initial framework of social indicators for investments in a just transition


Initial framework of social indicators for investments in a just transition

29 Oct 2021

Empowerment The Bill of Rights of the South African Constitution protects citizens’ rights to a non-harmful environment and environmental protection, food and water security, and access to information held by the state, or held by other people and necessary for the protection of their rights.27 However, the negative environmental impacts of high carbon industries and the lack of sufficient measure. [...] The intention is that the framework will enhance investor capacity to respond to societal and policy expectations, support the social and justice dimensions of a just transition, and thereby improve investor confidence and secure the investments’ social licence to operate based on the acceptance and support of affected stakeholders. [...] The intention of these questions is to promote a better understanding of the enabling factors present or lacking in the investment hosting environment, and to emphasize the reality that the investment is not taking place in a vacuum, but in the social, political and economic reality of South Africa. [...] Planning 1.1 Data What is the state of availability of socio-economic data relevant to the area? 1.2 Vulnerability assessment To what extent is the vulnerability of affected workers and communities in the area and the vulnerability of value chains understood? 1.3 Planning What is the extent of transition planning for the area? 1.4 Engagement in planning What is the degree of stakeholder engagement. [...] Social 4.1 Infrastructure What is the state of infrastructure in the area? 4.2 Service delivery What is the quality of service delivery in the area? 4.3 Inequality What is the extent of inequality in the area? 4.4 Poverty What is the extent of poverty in the area? 27 TIPS | Social indicators for JT | Oct 2021 15.2 Social indicators framework The social indicators framework unpacks the social and j.


Christelle de Wit

Published in
South Africa