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Introducing Commonwealth Meridian - About Commonwealth Meridian

24 May 2019

MANAGING SOVEREIGN DEBT Introducing Commonwealth Meridian In recent years, the public debt management funding agencies and project implementing arena has undergone significant transformation agencies, thus streamlining the information and development including stronger emphasis flow between the various entities; on medium-term debt management strategy • The ability to model any workflow developmen. [...] • Public and publicly guaranteed debt, lending Meridian has undergone various forms of rigorous portfolios and private sector external debt can testing, including by the software development be recorded, managed and analysed; partner, the Secretariat’s debt management unit, user acceptance testing by 16 debt • Customisable deployment of the solution management experts from various countries and in. [...] Q&A Why has Commonwealth Meridian Will CS-DRMS still be supported been developed? after Meridian is released? Commonwealth Meridian was developed to The Secretariat will continue to support CS-DRMS align with recent changes in the public debt for a limited number of years after Meridian has management arena. [...] Besides the physical training to support Commonwealth installation and technical aspects of the process, the Secretariat will work with each country to Meridian? migrate their databases. [...] During the implementation of Commonwealth Migration efforts will differ from site to site Meridian, your IT section will receive hands on depending on the number and types of instruments training on topics including how Meridian is installed, as well as the types of transactions recorded.
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United Kingdom