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25 Sep 2023

Based on the review, the report demonstrates the progress made by selected study countries in recognizing various aspects of the transnational identity of diaspora members and how the rights granted reflect the interests of both parties, influence the trust between them, and help them to build collaboration and to promote positive changes. [...] Complimentary to existing fora and initiatives, facilitate the launch of a Global Strengthen the protection of and safeguard the rights, access to health and Diaspora Policy Alliance (GDPAL) that will deliver an inclusive ecosystem of education, security and welfare of migrants and diasporas, including by collaboration across governments and partners in academia, civil society and combatting all f. [...] The centrality of transnational identity in such discussions has to be seen from the perspective of effective diaspora engagement and the promotion of the rights of members of diasporas. [...] exchange of people and resources between the countries of origin and destination.25 In The Global Compact for Migration use the terms “diaspora” and “diaspora organizations” addition, the term “diaspora” began to indicate quite concrete, albeit diverse, concepts, without the provision of its definition.34 In the same way, the New York Declaration for such as diasporic communities, diaspora organiz. [...] 35 engage with the diaspora.27 At the same time, at the regional and national level, the definition of diaspora was formed using the characteristics developed in the academic literature, A review of various documents of UN bodies shows that the term “diaspora’’ or similar emphasising the new elements specific to the region or the country.
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