cover image: MANUFACTURING SUBSECTORS - Capital equipment - May 2021


MANUFACTURING SUBSECTORS - Capital equipment - May 2021

5 Oct 2021

Value added in capital equipment, 1994 to 2019 in billions of constant (2019) rand (a) Metals, metal products, machinery and equipment - Stats SA Electrical machinery and apparatus - Stats SA Machinery and electrical equipment - Quantec 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Note: (a) Deflated by calculating the deflator used in the sources from current and constant rand figures, and then rebasing to 2019. [...] Employment in capital equipment and other equipment by gender women as % of capital equipment labourforce women as % of other manufacturing labourforce women manufacturing workers in capital equipment as % of all women in manufacturing men manufacturing workers in capital equipment as % of all men in manufacturing 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Source: Calculated from Statistics South Africa. [...] Electrical machinery and equipment Company Employees Operations Barloworld SA 16 400 in In addition to auto and Caterpillar products rental and sales, imports, South Africa assembles and distributes generators and equipment for South Africa and (Group) neighbouring countries, including turnkey solutions and aftercare. [...] Manhattan 570 Manufactures, supplies, installs and refurbishes new and reconditioned Mining mineral and mining equipment for diamond, gold and coal operations in Equipment South Africa and worldwide. [...] The downturn appeared to reflect the end of the metals price boom, which resulted in a decline in mining and metals production; currency depreciation, which raised the cost of imports in rand terms; and the general slowdown in investment, which began the same year.


Thobile Mawelela

Published in
South Africa