cover image: MANUFACTURING SUBSECTORS - Electronics and appliances


MANUFACTURING SUBSECTORS - Electronics and appliances

9 Apr 2018

In most years, profits in precision instruments and electronics were around the same as in the rest of manufacturing. [...] Return on assets (a) in precision instruments and electronics and in other manufacturing, and after-tax profits in precision instruments and electronics as percentage of after-tax profits in manufacturing as a whole precision equipment and electronics (a) return on assets: other manufacturing(a) electronics and appliances profits after tax as % of total manufacturing 15% 10% 5% 4.3% 0% 0.7% 0.8% 0. [...] The share of profit in value add was relatively low in precision instruments and electronics, around 18% in most years, compared to over 25% in the rest of manufacturing. [...] Remuneration, in contrast, accounted for around three quarters of value add in precision instruments and electronics, in contrast to about two thirds in the rest of manufacturing. [...] The value of assets in precision instruments and electronics climbed by almost 150% from 2008 to 2015, while the assets in the rest of manufacturing rose 70%.


Neva Makgetla

Published in
South Africa