cover image: MANUFACTURING SUBSECTORS - Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries


MANUFACTURING SUBSECTORS - Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries

31 Aug 2021

Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries value chain The basic chemicals and petroleum refineries industry comprises polymers, bulk petrochemicals and intermediates, other basic industrial and inorganic chemicals, and fertilisers. [...] Value added in basic chemicals and petroleum refineries, 1994 to 2019, in billions of constant (2019) rand (a) Petroleum products, chemicals, rubber and plastic (StatsSA) basic chemicals and petroleum refineries only (Quantec) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Note: (a) Deflated by calculating the deflator used in the sources from figures in current and constant rand, and then rebasing to 2019. [...] Return on assets (a) in heavy chemicals and petroleum refineries and other manufacturing, and after-tax profits in basic chemicals and petroleum refineries as a percentage of after-tax profits in manufacturing as a whole basic chemicals and petroleum refineries other manufacturing heavy chemicals and petroleum refineries profits after tax as % of total manufacturing 40% 35% 35% 30% 27% 25% 25% 26%. [...] Value of total assets in basic chemicals and petroleum refineries processing and other manufacturing in billions of constant (2018) rand 2500 2000 1500 other manufacturing 1000 basic chemicals and petroleum refineries 500 0 Source: Calculated from Statistics South Africa. [...] Petroleum Oil 1 424 Involved in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas; the and Gas production and marketing of synthetic fuels from offshore gas; and the Corporation of development of South African refining capacity, infrastructure and South Africa technology.


Thobile Mawelela

Published in
South Africa