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Future Cities: A Transatlantic Townhall Project Final Report future cities

19 Sep 2023

The diversity of the handful of cities), cities are increasingly communities on both sides of the Atlantic group, both geographically and socially, as confident in asserting their power on the need to answer are: What should the city of well as their different expertise and ages, global stage – and with growing power the future look like? How can cities be de‐ contributes significantly to the succ. [...] climate front with respect to the degrada‐ well for certain projects, even pricing out house gas emissions and enhanced energy This lack of urgency in addressing climate tion of public infrastructure due to the sec‐ the nation-state – and driving the need for independence, are balanced with the need change led to complacency and insufficient ondary impacts of heat, drought, and air standardized re. [...] While automation the city and in the suburbs, the transporta‐ ing a distinct and separate system from the 2020s so most of the economic activity in promised increased efficiency and produc‐ tion system is constantly on the brink of larger city. [...] After completing the scenario process with the participants of the Future Cities group, the Aspen Institute transferred the expert knowledge into recommendations for action for the city level and transatlantic level in three dimensions: ecological, economical, and social. [...] Extending its gratitude, on scenario planning exercises, expert The Aspen Institute Germany acknowl‐ workshops, and transatlantic conferences, edges the valuable contributions of the this project raised awareness of the com‐ project participants and the instrumental plexity of the city of tomorrow.


Michaela Zintl

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