cover image: Universities UK   - Invitation to tender Tender title: “Exploring the contribution


Universities UK - Invitation to tender Tender title: “Exploring the contribution

21 Sep 2023

• If the tender is submitted on behalf of a consortium, please: o list the members of the consortium o identify the lead member and a point of contact • If the tender contains a sub-contracting relationship please state: o the main contractor and sub-contractors o the nature of this relationship. [...] Selection criteria In awarding the contract, UUK will consider the balance between the quality of the candidate’s tender and value for money, taking account of the factors listed in this ITT and in particular the proposed methodology. [...] Confidentiality statement and disclaimer The information contained in this ITT and all other information made available at any time to the candidates by and on behalf of UUK in connection with the project is supplied on the basis that the candidates will keep such information confidential at all times and that such information will be used only for the purposes of participating in the bidding proc. [...] Confidentiality The Contractor will respect and maintain the confidentiality of any information given to them by Universities UK or its agencies or by any higher education institutions involved in the study and will not reveal any part of such information or any part of the described study and its findings to a third party without the prior written consent of Universities UK. [...] The Contractor will return any documentation supplied to it during the course of the contract by Universities UK for the purposes of carrying out the study.



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United Kingdom